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Abraham Lincoln |
Then , in 1818, his mother , whom he loved very dearly , died . Happily for him , when his father maried again , the second wife was a good mother to him to . Seeing that Abraham liked reading , she did all she could to ... |
Abraham |
Cu aceasta ocazie el a rostit un alt celebru discurs, cunoscut sub numele de “Casa invrajbita” . Dar ideile lui Lincoln, nebuloase atat in fond cat si ca formulare, ramaneau in acel moment din istoria Statelor Unite o chestiune de viitor ... |
Abraham Lincoln |
Then , in 1818, his mother , whom he loved very dearly , died . Happily for him , when his father maried again , the second wife was a good mother to him to . Seeing that Abraham liked reading , she did all she could to ... |
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