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        museums in london referat

59 sq km/1 sq mi ) that was the original settlement (ancient Londinium ) and is now part of the financial and business district of the metropolis . The city of London and 32 surrounding boroughs constitute the Greater Londo ...
London Once you have arrived in London, there are assorted places that you should, you really should, go and see . A good starting place is Trafalgar Square with Nelson’s Column right in the centre . It is a 51m column, poised on top of which is ...
It is situated in south-eastern England at the head of the River Thames estuary . Settled by the Romans as an important shipping point for crops and minerals, it gradually developed into the wealthy capital of a thriving industrial and agricultural ...
59 sq km/1 sq mi ) that was the original settlement (ancient Londinium ) and is now part of the financial and business district of the metropolis . The city of London and 32 surrounding boroughs constitute the Greater Londo ...
London has one of the most extensive urban railway systems in the world; in addition to the Underground railway, there is a network of suburban railways covering London and the surrounding region . Most of the passenger-carrying Underground lines in ...

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