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        referate English traditions

S . American and British English are both "variants" of the English Language, more similar than different, especially with "educated" or "scientific" English . Most divergence is due to differences in national history and national cultural developme ...
ANIMALELE PREFERATE AU SI ELE NEVOIE DE O BUNA NUTRITIE 286 . VITAMINE PENTRU CalNELE DUMNEAVOASTRA    Cainii au la fel de multa nevoie de vitamine ca si oamenii . Cerintele 'or nu sunt, desigur, identice cu ale noastr ...
Almost all this poetry is composed without rhyme, in a characteristic line, or verse, of four stressed syllables alternating with an indeterminate number of unstressed ones . This line strikes strangely on ears habituated to the usual modern pattern, ...
An education reform act in 1988 allowed individual schools to control their own affairs and budgets, free from LEAs, and to receive grants directly from the government . It also established a controversial national curriculum, which was simplified in ...
He warned the children to stay away . Although he was young, he became regarded as a leader . There was an interesting review of the film in the paper this morning . She looks down on us because she went to an expensive school ...
First, there was The Commonwealth – the British colonies, which included Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the world . The British administration was installed in those territories, and along with it, domina ...
JUCARIILE PREFERATE       Aceasta lista cuprinde „primele jucarii” care s-au dovedit a fi preferate de catre copii .    Amintiti-va ca fiecare copil este diferit, asa ca alegeti jucarii care par a ...
The Discovery The Titanic was discovered by Robert Ballard (left) in August 1985 . With the help of Sonar and Agro, Ballard and his research team found the wreck . Argo was a small submarine (more like a sled) with lights and cameras ...
Its citizens also had to learn how to manufacture many of the goods they needed themselves, as they could no longer purchase them from their neighbours, thereby forcing the introduction and development of new ideas ...
Se spune ca H este indus sau generat de multimea de varfuri Y . Un graf orientat este complet daca oricare doua varfuri distincte sunt adiacente . Un graf orientat G=(X,U) se numeste conex daca pentru oricare doua varfuri distincte x,y apartin lui X e ...
Another reason for family quarrels can be when someone doesn’t agree with a marriage . It can happen that parents, still having their own old mentality, are not agreeing with bringing someone of a different color, culture or religion into the family ...
1 . Principiile generale ale imagisticii medicale Sintagma imagistică medicală se referă la obţinerea de informaţii privind starea fiziologică ori patologică, pe baza interpretării imaginii unei porţiuni a ...
*Foreign language - languages spoken abroad, a language you can choose to study at school .  The British Council says "English is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, interna ...

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