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        the united states of america referat

It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay . Most of New England was settled by Puritans fleeing either the harassment of Charles I or the orthodoxy of Mas ...
It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay . Most of New England was settled by Puritans fleeing either the harassment of Charles I or the orthodoxy of Mas ...
Pennsylvania was given to the Quaker William Penn as payment for a debt, and Maryland, a grant to the Roman Catholic George Calvert, was the first colony to establish religious freedom . New York, New Jersey, and Delaware were taken from the Dutch b ...
In 1607 Jamestown became the first permanent British settlement in North America and the foundation of the Virginia colony . It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massa ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has no written constitution . The two main branches of the English constitution are: (A) the legislative power which is the power of making, altering or repealing the laws; and (B) the executi ...
It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay . Most of New England was settled by Puritans fleeing either the harassment of Charles I or the orthodoxy of Mas ...
It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay . Most of New England was settled by Puritans fleeing either the harassment of Charles I or the orthodoxy of Mas ...
The UN’s influence in world affairs has fluctuated over the years, but the organization has gained new prominence in the 1990s . Still, the UN faces many challenges . It must overcome the worst financial crisis in its history ...
Pennsylvania was given to the Quaker William Penn as payment for a debt, and Maryland, a grant to the Roman Catholic George Calvert, was the first colony to establish religious freedom . New York, New Jersey, and Delaware were taken from the Dutch b ...
In 1607 Jamestown became the first permanent British settlement in North America and the foundation of the Virginia colony . It was followed 13 years later by the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, which was soon dwarfed by the Puritan colony of Massa ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has no written constitution . The two main branches of the English constitution are: (A) the legislative power which is the power of making, altering or repealing the laws; and (B) the executi ...

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