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C.Popovici , Ioan Vidu , Traian Grozavescu , Tiberiu Brediceanu .
The main attraction is yet represented by the old spirit of Lugoj . Here we can admire the left part of the "Sfantul Nicolae " church which was built in 1402 , in the memory of Nicolae Paraianu , by his wife . Nicolae Paraianu was a local governor who died heroically fighting the Turks , together with other brave fighters from Banat . The cultural institution are represented by the Hystorical and Etymological Museum , The Culture house , The Theatre , The Music House.
Another important historic monument , which was built in the Baroque style is the "Adormirea Maicii Domnului " church . This monument shelters important historical and artistical values . The church has become the symbol of the town . It was built between 1759-1766 . The main founder of this monument was Gavril Gurean . We can also admire in Lugoj monuments like "Hanul Postei "; "Monumentul Unirii"; and "Obeliscul " which is rising on "Campia Libertatii ".

The Religious Art Collection
It is to be found at the "Hanul Postei " which is an historical monument having more then 300 art objects . Most of them proceed from the parishes which are in Faget or near Lugoj . Here we can see old icons , worship objects , crosses , manuscripts , and ancient heraldic pieces . This little museum has a historical , reference , literary and artistic importance .
The Historical Graveyard
The Historical Graveyard represents a really citadel of the silence and of the eternal peace , being also a saint monument representing the Romanian virtues .

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