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For others life in its real sense is an ambition. The simple act of creation means an ambition to many people. The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the wish of the individual to lift his subjectivity to the maximum perfection allowed by his spiritual resources and then to transpose this degree of spiritual elevation into a concrete world. On the other hand, the creative act is born from the hope that people will recognise the value of his work and therefore remember his name forever. You should consider the first aspiration of the individual. We can assert that that it is dissolved in a paradox. Of course, the process of creation augments substantially the spiritual energies of the individual, it even makes him think that he represents the supreme measure of the generating principle of life, but the work, the product of this process does not succeed in conveying all the superior exigencies of the creator and, consequently, it does not completely confirm his exceptional self-appreciation during the creation of his work.

But in my opinion when you have an ambition it means that you are living for fulfilling it, you live your life to the full, you are completely dedicated and focused on what you want to achieve or fulfil. When you have a certain ambition, even if it is a very strange one and you hope every day that one day you will fulfil it, you have passion and you give everything you have to see you dream come true.
To take an example I can mention Ellen MacArthur with her desire to come first in the round-the-world yacht race. Many people may consider her being an eccentric person but when you really wish something you can find the power to ignore all the persons that are against you. But my opinion is that the only fact that makes people to look strange at other persons' ambition is that they are envious on them.
To conclude I think that having an ambition means a reason besides other to live.

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