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How does the spirit penetrate the world? Through what mediums does an idea, born in the intimacy of one's mind, capture the whole world, raising it to new heights or destroying it? Out of this - the miracle of books and their hidden unfathomable energy!
Carriers of thought, propagators of ideas, and essentially means of communication, books, in their "onthological timidity" are on the shaken battle ground of comm. They are threatened by many other means, born within the technological era and all its innovations, with remarkable effectiveness, rapidity and not the least, appeal, due to its main characteristic -handiness-.

How infinitely handier are a few mouse clicks while surfing unhindered on the inexhaustible internet, than painful linear discipline of reading. What enormous difference between the multitude of images given on a television screen and the laborious mental activity of birthing images out of mere words in text blocks? On such platforms of debate books seem to loose ground, and reading as a "waste of time" gaining in legitimacy.

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