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David Copperfield

When Dora dies, David turns to Agnes for comfort. She has quietly loved him all along and, by the end of the book, David has matured enough to return her love. Chapter Summary By Poppy Edmunds CHAPTER 1 - I AM BORN David Copperfield is born (delivered by Mr Chillip. It tells of how his father died when Clara, his mother, was 6 months pregnant with him. David's father's aunt (Betsey Trotwood) arrives when he is being born. She leaves when it is announced that the baby is a boy. Peggotty, the housemaid is happy. CHAPTER 2 - I OBSERVE Clara Copperfield is out with Mr Murdstone, and David speaks to Peggotty about marriage. She says she is qu

ite happy single. Clara Copperfield returns with Murdstone and Copperfield takes an instant dislike to him. CHAPTER 3 - I HAVE A CHANGE Copperfield goes to Peggotty's brother's house to stay in Yarmouth. He falls in love with Emily. (Mr Peggotty's niece). They return home after 2 weeks, to find Clara Copperfield married to Murdstone and his sister living there too. CHAPTER 4 - I FALL INTO DISGRACE After failing to successfully complete some lessons, Copperfield is whipped and he bites a hole in Murdstone's arm. He then is locked in his room for 5 days. Murdstone complains that Clara Copperfield is too weak. CHAPTER 5 - I AM SENT AWAY FROM HOME Copperfield is extremely upset when he is sent away to scho
ol. (He learns that he has been sent early as a punishment). Mr Mell looks after him until the other pupils arrive. However, he is made to wear a plaque on his back, which reads Take Care of Him, He Bites. Mr Creakle, the headmaster, is extremely nasty and violent. CHAPTER 6 - I ENLARGE MY CIRCLE OF ACQAINTANCE The other pupils arrive at the school and he meets an extremely sympathetic boy, 6 years older than him, named Steerforth. CHAPTER 7 - MY 'FIRST HALF' AT SALEM HOUSE The term begins and he gets flogged once, but enjoys himself. CHAPTER 8 - MY HOLIDAYS.

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