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True friendship is based on mutual confidence and spirit of sacrifice. It's distinguished by devotion and by respecting the given word.
Those are the most common tips of how to be a true friend: treat your friends the way you want to be treated keep secrets that are told to you pay attention when your friend is talking with you keep your promises share things with your friend, don't be a selfish person always tell your friend the true and stick up for your friend.
August the 3rd is the International Friendship Day for most of the nations in the world, time to recognize your friends and their contribution to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace and positivism to the globe. Friends come in many shapes, size and guises: school friends, work colleagues, siblings, partners, neighbors. Pull out all the stops and let your friend know they are truly appreciated.

Strong friendships may be the most important stress-fighter you have. Socializing has proven health benefits, so spend time with your friends.
In the dictionary, friend noun is:
a person whom one knows, like and trust
a person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; comrade
one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group
an acquaintance
The dictionary makes one small omission too.

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