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George Orwell

Cyprian's",when he was eight,a school situated on the south coast of England.
The years he spent here were not so happy.Although everybody admitted that he was a great and intelligent student with a high potential,which made the headmistress of the school minimize his taxes,he was crushing inside himself.In that school,he knew for the first time the differences between social clases.
A long time after finishing school,he wrote a book about this sad experience called "What a great joy",first published in the Horizon magazine.
In 1916,Orwell gained a scholarship at Wellingtin College,in Berkshire,south est of England.He only spent 9 weeks here.Afterwards,he transferred to Elton College,in the summer of 1917.Elton was a perfect school for him and he soon began making friends.Here he got familiarized with the popular socialists ideas,which constructed the basics of his way of thinking.

Because his grades were not good enough to earn a scholarship for the university(we was the 117th student out of 140),his father decided that it would be better for him to quit school and start doing something for the empire just as he did. And so he received a place in the Imperial Indian police,in Burma.
Soon,he declaired that his work there is dirty.That is why he only worked there for 5 yaers.When he left he said :"I felt like I had to get away not only from the imperialism,but from any sort of domination of a person towards another one."
His life as a writer began in London.He wanted to get close to the ordinary people and so he was wearing very dirty clothes and he was taking long walks among the east end of England.He wanted to reveal their way of life,and most of all he wanted to see if they were really "fallen".His observations were linked in the book called "Very pour and banned from Paris and London".He wrote:"The failure seemed to be the only virtue."
Finishing this book,he decided to move to Paris.He spent 8 years of his life in a pour room in the latin neighbourhood when finally in 1928,the newspapers were filled with articles of himself as a profesionist writer.

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