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Yet, Times Square is also the heart of New York's theatre distings, 44 legitimate theatres- Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller were producing their best work- otherwise known as Broadway. As of that wasn't enough, the Square is home to THE NEW YORK TIMES.

In terms of its size and beauty, Central Park is the envy of cities the world over. Race relations in America may be as bad as ever, but Central Park has come bouncing back.
It has a playground where locals of all ages can go fishing and sunbathing. Throughout the city, slammer parks are being transformed from havens for low-lifes into places where normal people can go and relax. Even Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis used to go jogging in Central Park every day.

Midtown: 57th Street
57th Street is the home of the Russian Tea Room an Cargenie Hall. Entertaining "theme" restaurants are springing up all the time. Planet Hollywood, whose owners are Arnold Schwarzeneger, Bruce Willis and Silverster Stallone, offers good American fare, you can eat surrounded by movie memorabilia like the costume that Judy Garland wore in THE WIZARD OF OZ, Kim Basinger's handcuffs from 9 ½ WEEKS and Arnold Schwarzeneger's Terminator face.

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