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Planning the Wedding

This theming can even extend to the cake, with a garland of fresh flowers.
If you are arranging a floral decoration in a hired venue, once again you will need to speak to the owner or manager to obtain permission and to check any specific requirements.
Some florists are specialists in providing wedding arrangements, and will have plenty of seasonal ideas to match the time of year and your chosen colour scheme.
When you first meet your florist it is a good idea to take along a picture of your dress and the attendants' outfits, a sample of the dress material, and, if you can, a sample of the stationery. These will convey the style of the wedding, and will help the florist to select appropriate flowers. Plan to see your florists two or three months prior to your wedding to discuss what you requre. Even if you intend to make up the arrangements yourself, the florist

will have some helpful advice on which flowers to order.


Unless you intend to have your newlywed bride and groom photographs taken after the wedding day, you only get one chance to get it right, so be very careful when you choose your photographer. Quality should be the priority. A quailified professional photographer will be able to show you the style and quality of their work beforehand. Ask to see samples from a previous wedding presented in an album.
A good photographer's work will tell the story of the wedding day, and will be much more than a series of photographs. Be careful because price dose't always reflect quality!
You may have already seen the work of a photographer you would like to use. Otherwise you can look in the Yellow pages. But do look for the letters LBIPP, ABIPP, or FBIPP after the photographer's name to make sure that they are professionally qualified.
One of the advantages of the FBIPP is that they also hold regional seminars for their members, which means that they will probably be up-to-date on the latest styles and techniques.
Qualified photographers tend to specialise, and it therefore makes sense to choose someone who specialises in weddings. A local photogapher will know the venue, and should know where to get the best shots.

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