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The ski season runs from December to Getting lost in the Bucegi Mountains is difficult, thanks to a network of marked trails, while most cabanas are open year around to shelter hikers and cross-country skiers. The only danger is the weather: winter is severe and summer thunderstorms are dangerous. From Busteni, one can take the cable car up to Cabana Babele (2206m)

. From Babele a trail leads to the giant memorial cross at 2284m (one hour, marked with red crosses). Alternatively a trail (3-4 hours, blue crosses) leads from the lower cable-car station to Cabana Caraiman (2025m). From Babele chalet one can hike south following a yellow stripe trail to Cabana Piatra Arsa (1950m), or north following a yellow-marked trail to Cabana Varful Omu (2505m). North of Babele the scenery becomes dramatic, with dizzying drops into valleys on either side.

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