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Quiz for the Wiz

E. in 1994?
(Correct Answer: Sweden and Finland.)

Sixth Question :
What is the structure or the arms of the European Union?
(Correct Answer: The arms or the structure are "The European Central Bank", " The European Council", "The European Court of Justice", "The European Commision", "The European Parliament", "The European Court of Auditors", " The Council of European Union", "The European Economic and Social Committee", "The European Committee of social regions".

Seventh Question :
What is the first objective of the European Union?
(Correct Answer: The first objective of the European Union is that all countries promote in an armonios and well tamed economic bussines for the European Union.)

Eighth Question:
In wich year was established the Plan "Beyen"?
(Correct Answer: It was established in December 1952-February 1953)

Nineth Question:
What does the Plan of Beyen represents?
(Correct Answer: The Plan of Beyen contructs the idea of an common European economic market.)

Tenth Question:
When did the European Council was created?
(Correct Answer: The European Council was created in the date of 5-may-1949)

11-th Question :
What were the founding countries:
(Correct Answer: The founding countries were: " Belgia, Danmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Great Britan, Oland,.

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