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Sama bin Laden

Mohammed had a great influence over his son Osama, in spite of the short period spent together. Mohammed dies when Osama is almost 13 years old .
At 16,Osama is getting married for the first time, with a Syrian girl who was a relative of his. He studied at Jeddah. At 22 years old he has a degree in Law.
In 1979,the Soviet troops invade Afghanistan. Osama is at that time in Karachi, Pakistan. His host, Jammat Islami takes him, to the refugee camps. Here, he realizes the purpose of his life: defeat the enemy . Osama can count on 300 million $ from his father and he is trying to get his brothers on his side too.

But the capital is increasing suddenly due to the donations from the Muslims who were on his side and wanted to support the holy war in a way or another. So, Bin Laden has prepared in a couple of years an army capable to carry a national war and not only.
At first, Osama didn't have his own centres of instruction and not even command structures. But soon Abdallah Azzam with Bin Laden, who, besides managing funds for the resistance, builds hospitals and tunnels, founded MAK (Maktab al-Kidmat-lil-Mudjahedin al-Arab) unit. This MAK was created against the communist invasion. Bin Laden wanted a quality salt and numbered all and reformed all the system . so a chaotic group of mercenary became a compact group, taking the name Al-Qaeda . Bin Laden got guns from the Americans, who financed secretly the holy war against the Soviet communism.
But in 1989,the Soviet troops retreated from Afghanistan, because the USA and URSS agreed to find a solution. In 1992, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Bin Laden sent a message to the royal family in which he said he was ready to help against the Iraqis. But Kuwait accepted the American help and the whole Kuwait became a big American military camp. Bin Laden ran to Afghanistan. He decided that the USA and the Western countries betrayed them and these were the real enemies . the holy war was not finished, it only began .
. Bin Laden repeated several times: "The United States Government is unfair and criminal. Our religion is in danger: it has to be protected attacking." These words contain the signification of the revolution Bin Laden did; the holy war passed the traditional borders of the Islam to attack the enemy on his own territory, where he felt in perfect safe.

Here are all the terrorist attacks for which Bin Laden was blamed:
December 29th 1992 - a bomb explodes in a hotel from Aden, Yemen.

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