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The British Isles

The British Isles consists of two islands: Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain is formed of three formely separate countries: Scotland, England and Wales.
Ireland consists of Northern Ireland (the northern part that belongs to the kingdom) and The Republic of Ireland (that is a free country).
The full name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it is rule by Queen Elisabeth II.
London is the capital of England and the capital of the kingdom as well.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
The capital of Wales is Cardiff.
The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
The capital of The Republic of Ireland is Dublin.
Flags are the most powerfull symbols of countries and nations. The flag of Great Britain is officially called the Union Flag, but most people call it The Union Jack. It combines the St. George's Flag of England with the St. Andrew's Flag of Scotland and the St. Patrick's Flag od Ireland.

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