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Iron protection in Vasilkovsky

Iron protection in Vasilkovsky

The material loaded onto the conveyors is a flow of around 1100 t/h on a 1,2 m wide conveyor, size of the pieces can be 350 mm+, running rather fast ?

Target of the iron protection is to protect downstream equipments, mainly the cone crushers from iron pieces which might damage the equipment

Frequency of iron pieces is high as the metal detectors are detecting piece of metal between 350 and 400 times per month.

The lost time due tob iron detection is (429/1265 ) roughly 1/3 of the 303

hours lost into the ball mill section for lack of ore means 100 h in one semester or 8 days/year. At 1 Mio/day that desserves to be fixed as quickly as possible

The installed system is very redundant, with numbers of permanent magnets overband and static overband, and a large numbers of metal detectors. Despite the number of magnetic extractors , there are still issues and the protection is not perfect.

Nice cone crushers new, and how they are looking now ( two and half year later)

Some very difficult to crush material went in.

Two over band ( permanent magnets) with metal detectors at the loading point of the conveyor

Another one at the starting point of the long conveyor , always crossing the band, not at a discharging point and with permanent magnet

Obviously Vasilkovsky has increased and increased the means to better protect the crushers, here a electro magnet in a static position.

Ideas for solutions

The size of the blocks are very large and heavy, which means that a piece of metal has difficulties to be lift them and being extracted. Reducing the size of the blocks would help yet a lot, in that sense tightening the jaw crushers would help, installing a third one help even more

The velocity of the conveyor is high.

I would suggest the following changes

Installing a certain numbers of electro-magnet overbelt, at the chute of the conveyors, in a longitudinal position to have a better chance to attract the metallic pieces.

That electro-magnetic over belt could be even eventually over impulsed through a ferrous detector in order to strongly increase the amps into the magnetic coil when a piece of iron is detected, to increase even more the magnetic field.

The part below the magnetic over belt should be done in a a-magnetic material.

So I completely share the points from the Dobersek reports

To install magnetic systems in tailing drums on conveyors of the first stage crushing (pos. А 6.0.1). These magnetic separator should be electro magnetic separator, as they have a stronger filed than permanent magnet

To install electro-magnetic overbelts above overturning points of conveyors of the first stage crushing (pos. A 6.0.1). Upon overturning of material it opens up allowing effective selection of metallic inclusions. These changes will allow automatically removal of metallic inclusions from ore flow and thus minimizing the conveyor (pos. 1.4) stoppages, which cause power interruptions of cone crushers.   

To use portable metal detectors in order to detect and remove metal inclusions in manual mode, if both systems above haven't reach to take out all metallic pieces.

To transform these concept in industrial solution you might revert to Lenoir et Mernier  ( Mr Steichen)

Dominique STEICHEN

Directeur Commercial / Sales Director

GSM : 0033 6 89 100 108


ZI du Bearn


Who is ready to come and visit you in Kazakhstan to better define an industrial solution

Another option is to revert to Eriez in UK.

I link attached their doc to the email.

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