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Social Economy
Social Economy
The origins of the
concept of Social Economy
The four ideological pillars of the social economy and their
current impact
As a co-operative movement, the social economy is deeply rooted in contemporary
past, the socio-philosophical concepts that have emerged in the nineteenth -
century, but have
survived until today, evident from a long evolutions.Aceste concepts refer to
ideas of socialism, liberalism and Christian solidarity.
First 'Utopian Socialist' French - Claude Henri de Saint
Simon and Charles Fourier -
have criticized the cooperative system of the time and they propagated ideas of
a total reconstruction
state system and establishing new social structures and new working
relationships, 'new
society 'and should [be productive bayeye voluntary associates as'
falansterele 'Fourier.
Robert Owen, inspired by these ideas, believed that the main
purpose of all social actions was
not to create a 'new man' which could not directly than through a
total reconstruction
economic and social conditions that make human consciousness.
Such a reconstruction could be achieved through full cooperation of all
individuals in all areas of economic life of voluntary associations that
socio-economic 'Owen's villages' or cooperative societies. Owen's
ideas were those who founded first cooperative society founded in 1844 in Rochdale (United Kingdom). Disciples
utopian socialist concepts, attach the later socialist movements (communist
final) and Workers and Marxist ideas, still believed that the ultimate goal of
all social actions, including the activities of cooperatives and unions, was to
transform the entire society, considered as nevolilor interests and should
respond, not of individuals but of groups of class and the social collective.
Without neglecting the economic role of cooperatives in helping groups
the poorest of society in search of wealth, they stressed their educational
role and more collective benefits compared to non members and aimed at changing
consciousness preparing future social and proletarian revolution. The same
phenomenon has occurred with other types of social organizations.
Charles Gide's ideas, also born of the first socialist concepts,
proposing instead of social revolution, evolutionary transformation of local
communities, the states and the
Finally the whole world in a vast 'Cooperative Republic'. This could
be achieved by helping mutual self-organization of society through various
forms of cooperative, social associations, etc.., that could meet on a
voluntary basis, all functions previously performed by bodies State and
finally, to replace the latter.
Such a vision, called 'pan - cooperatism' was of course
the utopian, but stressing
role of self-organization of society of society, of brotherhood, of solidarity,
of democracy, social justice and overcoming social exclusion, it is veryclose
contemporary ideas of the social economy can be considered as one of its main
sources .
Two other ideological sources of the Social Economy, Liberalism and
Christian solidarity, did not
the same ambition to rebuild all the existing society - and they intend to keep
structures probably improved and better adapted to the needs of all social
The concepts of liberalism (and later of neoliberalism), joint
whole (and even smaller social groups) can not exist as a distinct entity, it
does not
is just a simple gathering of individuals bound by a wide variety of connection
and relationship. Supreme good
of humanity is full autonomy of all individuals and their right to satisfy his
interest staff, and especially to get rich. Since there is no society as such
there is no ' overall social good 'in relations between individuals
and the economic benefits play a key role.
Clearly, sustainable development of economic cooperation between
individuals will be more advantageous than
creation of conflict. And if this purely pragmatic reason (and not for any
other reason, such as
If other social philosophy) to justify the creation of institutions
that minimize the conflicts and to help establish the obligations of
Among such
institutions, cooperatives and other voluntary associations have played an
important role.
One of the fathers of the cooperative movement - Herman Schulze - Delitzsch -
adhered to such concepts. The first cooperative banks (and later other types of
cooperatives) that he founded in Germany were established to help, not the
poorest social groups, but those who
already have something small and medium producers, artisans and farmers with
average wealth. According
liberal concepts, defending the individual commercial development, which
contributed to the creation
jobs and the general welfare and the same occasion, and fate has improved
Herman Schulze's
disciples were always sensitive to the entrepreneurial dimension
their organizations, but members have emphasized the autonomy and internal
democracy. So according Social Economy contemporary sources to be included
liberal concepts.
A third source - Christian solidarity - I share some features with
the two doctrines above. The social study of the Roman Catholic Church, which
has found most complete expression in the encyclical 'Rerum Novarum'
of Pope Leo XIII (1891) Human society is a real community of individuals (such
as adherents to socialism)
that combine physical and spiritual aspects of human beings, and is bound by
various natural duties. Families are the fundamental units of social structure,
its key role in social organization of labor division play.
This can be achieved by 'corporations' different, ie small
groups based on solidarity
Christian and enabling economic and social insertion of individuals and
families in the current
dominant society. Cooperatives are one of the forms of such corporations.
Top cooperatives
which refers to such concepts, have established long before publication
this encyclical. Their founder was Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen created the
first savings and credit cooperatives implanted mainly in the poorest ruralregions.
Other cooperative Raiffeisen's model was based on generally as
small, embedded in local communities, based on a strong solidarity among
members, mutual trust, ideas mutual self-help and voluntary work that benefits
These three concepts are present in the European cooperative movement
contemporana.In few countries (Italy, for example), are found in the national
cooperative organizations that coexist three
philosophy. In other countries, one of the doctrines at one point reached a
dominant position as uneorri
result of a natural evolution of local traditions, sometimes as a consequence
of policies State, as in former communist countries where the only permissible
type was a cooperative model
strictly subordinated to the socialist state.
In conclusion, the concept of social economy would probably be easier and
richer in accptat
countries where this concept is unknown or little known if they could give a
considertie three equal doctrine - seemingly contradictory but, paradoxically
leading to
same social purposes.
'Social economy organizations are economic and social actors active in all
is characterized mainly by their specific goals and forms of entrepreneurship.
Social economy includes organizations such as cooperatives,
mutualele, associations and
fundatiile.Aceste enterprises are particularly active in certain areas such as
protection , social services, health, banks, insurance, agricultural
production, services
proximity, education and training, culture, sports and recreational activities.
(The definition of CEP - Cooperative CMAF Permanent European
Conference, mutuality,
Associations and Foundations in Europe is the only committee which gathers and
has authority
the main categories of actors in Social Economy)
Social Economy:
? It is based on principles of solidarity and individual involvement in
citizenship process
? Generate quality jobs and a better standard of living;
? It provides a framework to allow the emergence of new businesses and new
forms of work;
? It plays an important role in local development and social coieziune;
? It is socially responsible;
? Democracy is a factor;
? Markets contributes to economic stability and pluralism;
? Forming new mentality is to contribute to a social conscience
higher order;
? Does the European Union priorities and strategic objectives of: Cohesion
social, full employment, upta against poverty, participatory democracy, better
governance, sustainable development.
Legal forms of social economy can vary from one country to the alta.Totusi
enterprises are distinguished from capital-based companies through the
. The supremacy of the individual and social objectives to capital;
. Voluntary and open membership;
. democratic control by members;
. Combining the interests of members, users and / or interest;
. Protecting and the principle of solidarity and responsibility;
. Management autonomous and independent from public authorities;
. The surplus is used to contribute to sustainable development objectives,
interest for members or general interest services.
Social economy there is in fact but not in law. It is almost impossible to give
a definition
precise and uniform, given that there are a variety of national and regional
both EU Member States and in those countries. This finding should not we
impede its progress. It can amplify the action without the Social Economy to
there a precise definition of it. In fact it may be that if there is at
such diversity in Europe the aspect of social economy, it is a
wealth and not an obstacle.
For Europe has set the Lisbon objectives to become a society of cunoastereii,
social economy enterprises should actively contribute to building an economy
competitive manufacturing performance and social cohesion. To cope with groups
multinational economic, it will be to form alliances between East and West as
well as in breast Central and Eastern Europe, especially through information
and communication technology
creaand coordination networks to be more effective. European legal statutes
for example at the European cooperative society, and hopefully to be followed
by the statutes for
associations, mutuality and European foundations, it could be very legal
important for these networks.
Social enterprises in particular are involved in activities that:
. Provide the infrastructure and services needed to make it easier for
others to set up small businesses or to start income generating projects
local communities.
. Provide commercial and community services that best meet local needs
important and urgent.
. It engages in trading activities in the private sector withdrew due to
that it was not profitable enough
. Act to provide some services that previously were provided by the
public rather fight for a public service communitarization than one
their privatization.
. It works tirelessly to create jobs especially for those who are weak
qualified or disabled persons
. Use of locally available human resources to develop local projects
It noted also that the Social Economy creates a safer environment than does the
independent obisnuita.In their way, Social Economy enterprises enable citizens
used to do what the 1990 largest companies: to put together and to
coordinate resources and recognize aptitudinile.Ele skills, capital and labor
of a large
number of individuals and can thus acquire dimensions that allow them to be
competitive in
for production of goods and services offerings. Finally, Social Economy
provide practical methods of success and social responsibility audit
social enterprises, especially after the Maastricht Treaty introduced a
dimension democratic workplace for all businesses.
In 1995, the European Commission acknowledged that 50% of people in different
Member States
European Union was engaged in one form or another, in the social economy. In 1999, a
important study that was done collectively by CIRIEC - International
(International Centre
Research and Information privund public economy, social and cooperative) in 15
The study aimed to examine the role of Social Economy in the labor
market and determine
that would aid structures and public policies that would increase the positive
contribution of the sector
general interest. As the study showed, the social economy sector is about
10% of total EU jobs, ie 8,879,546 people employed full-time
throughout the approximately 900 000 enterprises. Economy sector jobs
Social and multiplied, in fact, a rate higher than average rates of savings
national. The same phenomenon was observed in the three categories of jobs that
can be encountered in the Social Economy:
. Direct job in Social Economy organizations and enterprises;
. Workplace indirectly in companies or entities who depend on Social Economy
(Eg sister companies in cooperative groups);
. Workplace induced, ie jobs created or retained outside organizations and
Social Economy enterprises (self-employed in agriculture, transport,
commerce, etc.., which utilizes its support services cooperatives).
In Eastern Europe, a new civil society makes its appearance, in which players
adaptadu's traditional Social Economy - the market economy, but keeping - and
sense social responsibility.
New initiatives
have been developed to cope with current challenges (sustainable development,
increasing lack of involvement by the public services, social integration,
solidarity between
The concept of social economy includes a variety of names used in different
countries such as:
solidary economy, third sector, CMAF (cooperatives, mutual societies,
Associations and
At European level, social economy 8% of the total counts and 10% of European
of no. total employees.
The success of social economy enterprises can not be measured only by performance
economic but also by its contribution to the development of solidarity, social
cohesion and links
territorial (regional).
There are many types of organizations that are believed to form
part of the social economy:
community benefit societies - Society for the Benefit of the community
Friendly societies - friendly society
mutual companies, joint - mutual society
Business to Consumer retail sales - retail consumer society
cooperative production - co-operative Workers
productive co-operative industrial
Community Cooperative - Co-operative community
Community businesses - community enterprise
cooperative neighborhood - neighborhood co-operative
Community Affairs - business community
third sector enterprises - Third Sector Enterprise
Community trust - trust community
Social Affairs - Social Business
community development trust - community development trust
Association for Community Development - Community Development Association local
development trust - local development trust
Community businesses - community company
Community development corporations - community development corporation
corporations for the benefit of the community Community Benefit Corporation
Social Enterprise - Social enterprise
Social business - social firm
voluntary undertakings - volunteer enterprise
co-operative housing
Community Housing Association
community housing trust
credit union - credit union
financial initiatives for community development - community development finance
The number of Social Enterprises is growing and thus the economy is growing
Larger social,
more distinctive and more influential. Inevitably Will it expand
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
The concept of
corporate social responsibility refers to ensuring economic success
Following the inclusion of a business in social and environmental
problems in the business.
In other words, is to satisfy our clients at the same time to
resolve and
meet the expectations of others, such as employees, suppliers and the community
of which you
part. In fact, is to contribute positively to society and to solve
environmental issues facing their company.
When asked why he practices a 'responsible
entrepreneurship' can be answered with
following arguments:
? Entrepreneurship is thus essential for maintaining economic success and
build competitive advantage through the creation of a winning reputation and
people inside and outside the enterprise
? customers want a supplier that can count, who have a reputation for quality
products and services
? suppliers want to sell to a customer that continually come back to supply and
timely pay a
? community wants to be sure now act in a responsible manner on
socially and environmentally friendly as
? employees want to work for a company that will make her proud and to assess
activity and involvement.
Social entrepreneurship is practiced and practiced, especially by
small businesses, the
those who are closer to their community and want to be characterized by the
words 'do Well what do ', that respects its customers, suppliers,
employees follow ethics, good
neighbors and protect the environment.
In recent years, however, appeared certain pressure from consumers,
local communities,
regulators, banks, insurance companies and credit demand and require that
products and services to meet the requirements for a clean and friendly environment
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