Administratie | Alimentatie | Arta cultura | Asistenta sociala | Astronomie |
Biologie | Chimie | Comunicare | Constructii | Cosmetica |
Desen | Diverse | Drept | Economie | Engleza |
Filozofie | Fizica | Franceza | Geografie | Germana |
Informatica | Istorie | Latina | Management | Marketing |
Matematica | Mecanica | Medicina | Pedagogie | Psihologie |
Romana | Stiinte politice | Transporturi | Turism |
OBIECTIVELE unitatii de invatare nr.
Principalele obiective ale unitatii de invatare Nr. sunt:
Describing the business profile of the travel and tourism companies Characterising the management of the travel and tourism organisations Characterising the employees of the travel and tourism organisations | service; inbound traveller; outbound traveller; business trip; |
Travel and tourism provide services of all types for both inbound and outbound travellers, and have become one of the world's fastest growing industries. International travel and tourism are the world's largest export earner and an important factor in the balance of payments of most nations. The market is increasingly diverse, covering not only traditional sunshine tourism and business trips but also many new types of travel that have developed in recent years. Tourism has become one of the world's most important sources of employment. It covers a wide range of jobs, including all branches of the travel industry, hospitality in hotels and restaurants, entertainment and recreation, as well as the tourist attractions in a particular region. Areas of work include Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Tourist Boards and Tourist Information Centres, Transport Companies, Tour Guides, Tourist Attractions. |
Test de autoevaluare 1. Fill in the gaps with only one word: Tourism has become one of the world's most important . of employment. The market is . diverse. Travel and tourism provide . of all types for both inbound and outbound travellers. Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus. Raspunsul la test se gaseste la pagina 20. |
tourism manager; management ability; fund; dynamic personality; |
The work of tourism managers is extremely challenging, mainly because of two reasons. Firstly, tourism managers work with tourists from all over the world. Different cultures and traditions are explored and tourism managers have the opportunity to show their country to the rest of the world. Secondly, tourism managers must be creative in order to attract people and more importantly persuade people to come back again. Tourism managers have to market their product/ service and therefore a creative and dynamic personality is required. Different target markets have to be identified and specific packages have to be designed for them. Tourism managers work with people that are on holiday, although they themselves are not on holiday. The irregular hours of tourism managers require people with persistence and determination. Requirements What kind of personality do they need? Tourism managers must have the ability to work with all kinds of people from foreign tourists to people with disabilities and must be friendly. Tourism managers are mainly concerned with the management of the organisation, which implies that people will work under them. This requires that tourism managers must have some management abilities, such as organisation, communication and empowerment skills. Where can tourism managers work? Tourism managers are employed by hotels, guest houses, holiday resorts, game farms, caravan parks, game lodges, entertainment places etc. Can they work for themselves in this occupation? Tourism managers with the necessary funds can start their own businesses. |
Test de autoevaluare 2. State three qualities of a manager in the tourism and travel industry. Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus. |
employment characteristic; labour market; demand; compensation; Tourism faces many challenges attracting labour to the sector. In order to effectively address this situation, businesses need to understand the demographic and employment characteristics of workers in the sector. It is also important to have access to information regarding the overall size of the labour market, the projected growth in demand for tourism labour, and the projected supply of labour over the coming years. Accurate and credible compensation information is extremely important to tourism sector stakeholders, who need to make wage decisions that are reasonably consistent with the market while also dealing with misconceptions that affect the occupational attractiveness of the sector. |
In loc de rezumat |
Am ajuns la sfarsitul unitatii de invatare nr. Va recomand sa faceti o recapitulare a principalelor subiecte prezentate in aceasta unitate si sa revizuiti obiectivele precizate la inceput. Este timpul pentru intocmirea Lucrarii de verificare nr. 3 pe care urmeaza sa o transmiteti tutorelui. |
Lucrare de verificare unitate de invatare nr. 3 |
Enlarge upon tourism and travel management; Make up a short dialogue in which to use the following terms: tourism manager; irregular hours; specific package; organisation; |
Raspunsurile testelor de autoevaluare |
Raspuns 1 sources; increasingly; services; Raspuns 2. Raspuns |
Bibliografie unitate de invatare nr. 3 |
The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008 O'Keefe, M. / Dubicka,
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