Administratie | Alimentatie | Arta cultura | Asistenta sociala | Astronomie |
Biologie | Chimie | Comunicare | Constructii | Cosmetica |
Desen | Diverse | Drept | Economie | Engleza |
Filozofie | Fizica | Franceza | Geografie | Germana |
Informatica | Istorie | Latina | Management | Marketing |
Matematica | Mecanica | Medicina | Pedagogie | Psihologie |
Romana | Stiinte politice | Transporturi | Turism |
OBIECTIVELE unitatii de invatare nr.
Principalele obiective ale unitatii de invatare Nr sunt:
Stating the diversity of products and services in the travel and tourism industy Characterising the products of the tourism and travel industry Characterising the services of the tourism and travel industry | product; service; industry; consumer; |
Travel and Tourism products and services are targeted at customers in industry and the public. Let's look at these two separately: Industry: Private Sector
Test de autoevaluare 1. State the targets of the travel and tourism products and services; Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus. Raspunsul la test se gaseste la pagina 42. |
product diversification; successful tourism; qualified staff; product quality; |
Tourism product development is mainly undertaken to facilitate product diversification, development or improvement of tourism products with the help of knowledgeable and qualified staff. It aims at enhancing visitor experience by building consensus and strategic alliances with business stakeholders in order to bring about socio-economic growth. Tourism product development seeks to support in the maintenance, development and enhancement of the tourism product. A large number of companies offer training programs and advice on tourism product development. The services include sustainable tourism product planning and development, presentations, seminars, campaigns and strategies for destination marketing organizations, individual operators and agencies. These companies make use of a community and stakeholder-based approach to assist businesses and destinations to plan for successful tourism in the long-term from cost-effective, environmental and communally sustainable perspectives. These companies provide an extensive range of specialized services designed to help individual tourism operators, associations and product clubs, educational institutions and government agencies effectively attain their short and long-term goals. Some of these companies are designed to assist government and quasi-government agencies in the development of the tourism industry, principally by coordinating and aiding timely action between public and private sector interests. Tourism product development aims at long-term sustainable development by the execution of a number of strategies. These strategies bring into focus a generic idea to increase competitiveness, build an inclusive industry by promoting closer integration of people and develop and maintain the environment. Tourism product development is designed to increase the income in the sector. Tourism product development involves implementation of a comprehensive plan of action that will guide towards dealing with estimated increase in business over the short, medium and long-terms. Tourism product development helps in improving product quality by complying with the standards set by international benchmarks. It helps in product improvement by tourism training. It helps in product diversification by acting as a channel, facilitator and controller for development through sports and community based development with stress on culture, heritage and eco-tourism. |
Test de autoevaluare 2. State two factors that influence product development in tourism and travel; Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus. Raspunsul la test se gaseste la pagina 42. |
tourism services; tourism-related services; international tourism; service exporter; Tourism and travel-related services includes services provided by hotels and restaurants (including catering), travel agencies and tour operator services, tourist guide services and other related services. One of the most crucial aspects of international tourism is the cross-border movement of consumers. This permits even unskilled workers in remote areas to become services exporters - for instance, by selling craft items, performing in cultural shows, or working in a tourism lodge. According to the World Tourism Organization, international tourist arrivals reached 903 million in 2007, up 6.6 per cent on 2006. Earnings reached a record US$ 856 billion, increasing in real terms by 5.6 per cent over 2006. Receipts from international passenger transport (i.e. visitor exports) were estimated at US$ 165 billion, bringing the total international tourism receipts to over US$ 1 trillion, corresponding to almost US$ 3 billion a day. While back in 1950, the top 15 destinations absorbed 98 per cent of all international tourist arrivals, in 1970 the proportion was 75 per cent, and this fell to 57 per cent in 2007, reflecting the emergence of new destinations, many of them in developing countries. |
In loc de rezumat |
Am ajuns la sfarsitul unitatii de invatare nr. Va recomand sa faceti o recapitulare a principalelor subiecte prezentate in aceasta unitate si sa revizuiti obiectivele precizate la inceput. Este timpul pentru intocmirea Lucrarii de verificare nr. 7 pe care urmeaza sa o transmiteti tutorelui. |
Lucrare de verificare unitate de invatare nr. 7 |
Enlarge upon the tourism and travel products and services; Make up a short text in which to use the following terms: sustainable development; tourism lodge; cultural show; environment; |
Raspunsurile testelor de autoevaluare |
Raspuns 1 customers in industry; the public; Raspuns 2. training programs; advice on tourism product development. Raspuns 3. tourism service; tourism-related service; |
Bibliografie unitate de invatare nr. 7 |
The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008 O'Keefe, M. / Dubicka,
The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008
M. / Dubicka,
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