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Al Capone

On December 4, 1918, Mae gave birth to their son, Albert "Sonny " Francis. Capone and Mae married that year on December 30.
Al Capone
Capone 's first arrest was on a disorderly conduct charge while he was working for Yale. He also murdered two men while in New York, early testimony to his willingness to kill. In accordance with gangland etiquette, no one admitted to hearing or seeing a thing so Capone was never tried for the murders. After Capone hospitalized a rival gang member, Yale sent him to Chicago to wait until things cooled off. Capone arrived in Chicago in 1919 and moved his family into a house at 7244 South Prairie Avenue.

The unpretentious Capone home at 7244 South Prairie Avenue, far from Chicago 's Loop and Capone 's business headquarters.

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