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Greuceanu in engleza

.This king was very upset because some monsters stole the Sun and the Moon, his kingdom remaining in darkness .he promised his daughter and half of his kingdom to the one that will release the two Stars. Although many tried, none of them succeeded. So a brave and mighty warrior named Greuceanu asks permission to try and get the Sun and the Moon back.
After receiving permission, Greuceanu begins the journey, taking along his brother. They go a" long, long way together" and arrive at the Blacksmith of the Earth, which was a very good friend of Greuceanu.
For three days Greuceanu and the Blacksmith of the Earth locked themselves in a room deciding what to do. After the three days, Greuceanu and his brother go along until they arrive at a crossroad, where they split up. Before splitting up they give one each other a scarf and a knife, saying "The one that returns first and sees the knife rusted and the scarf broken shouldn't wait for the other one to come, because he's dead."

Greuceanu arrives at the house of the monsters. After jumping three times over his head, he turns first into a pigeon, then into a fly, finding out from the monster-ladies where the monsters are.
After finding out that, he leaves for the Green Forest. Greuceanu fights the three monsters and he defeats them with the aid of a raven. He also finds out from the last monster where the Sun and the Moon are hidden, he opens the door with the smallest finger on the hand of the monster and releases the Stars.
Along with his brother, Greuceanu returns to the lands of king Red.

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