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The Present Perfect
Se traduce in limba romana prin prezent, perfect simplu, perfect compus.
The Present Perfect se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have, care se conjuga la prezent plus participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat.
The Present Perfect exprima o actiune:
. trecuta terminata: I have seen them today. = I-am vazut astazi.
2. trecuta terminata in momentul vorbirii: Where have you been ? = Unde ai fost (pana acum) ?
3. trecuta neterminata: He has learned English for three years. = Invata englezeste de trei ani.
How long have you learned English? = De cat timp inveti tu englezeste?
Since when have you learned English ? = De cand inveti tu englezeste?
A. Conjugarea verbelor auxiliare la timpul The Present Perfect
Verbele auxiliare nu se conjuga la Present Perfect . Verbele to be, to have si to do se pot conjuga la acest timp atunci cand ele sunt verbe principale, asa cum se vede mai jos:
TO BE = a fi
A || I have been = I've been = eu sunt = eu is
you have been = you've been = tu esti
he/she/it has been= he's/she's/it's been = el/ea este = el/ea ii/e
we have been = we've been = noi suntem
you have been = you've been = voi sunteti
they have been = they've been = ei/ele sunt
N || I have not been = I haven't been = eu nu sunt = eu nu-s
you have not been = you haven't been = tu nu esti
he /she/it has not been = he/she/it hasn't been = el/ea nu este = el/ea nu-i = el/ea nu e
we have not been = we haven't been = noi nu suntem
you have not been = you haven't been = voi nu sunteti
they have not been = they haven't been = ei/ele nu sunt = ei/ele nu-s
I ||
have I been? = eu sunt? = sunt eu?
have you been? = tu esti? = esti tu ?
has he/she/it been? = el/ea este/e/ii?
have we been?= noi suntem? = suntem noi?
have you been? = voi sunteti? = sunteti voi?
have they been? = ei/ele sunt? = sunt ei/ele?
I - N || have I not been? = haven't I been? = eu nu sunt? = nu sunt eu? = eu nu-s?
have you not been? = haven't you been? = tu nu esti? = nu esti tu?
has he/she/it not been? = hasn't he/she/it been? = el/ea nu este? = nu este el/ea?
have we not been ? = haven't we been? = noi nu suntem? = nu suntem noi?
have you not been ? = haven't you been? = voi nu sunteti? = nu sunteti voi?
have they not been? = haven't they been? = ei/ele nu sunt? = nu sunt ei/ele?
I have had = eu am ; eu am avut etc.
I have done = am facut etc.
B. Conjugarea verbelor modale la timpul The Present Perfect
Can - could = to be able to
A || I have been able to = pot sa = sunt in stare sa .etc.
N || I have not been able to . = nu pot sa . = nu sunt in stare sa .. etc.
I || Have I been able to .? = pot eu sa .? = sunt eu in stare sa ? etc.
I - N || Have I not been able to ? = nu pot eu sa ? = nu sunt eu in stare sa ? etc.
How long have you been able to speak English? = De cand stii/poti tu sa vorbesti englezeste?
How long have you been allowed to drive a car? = De cat timp poti / ai voie tu sa conduci masina?
C. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza activa, aspectul comun
TO COME = a veni
A || I have come = eu am venit you have come = tu ai venit he/she/it has come = el/ea a venit etc.
N || I have not come = I haven't come = eu nu am venit etc.
I || have I come ? = am venit eu ? = eu am venit ? etc.
I-N || have I not come ? = haven't I come ? = eu nu am venit ? etc.
I have come for two hours. = Am venit de doua ore. How long have I come ? = De cat timp am venit eu ?
I have come since one o'clock. = Am venit de la ora unu. Since when have I come ? = De cand am venit eu ?
He has known her since 1970. = El o cunoaste din 1970. Since when has he known her ? = De cand o cunoaste el?
D. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza pasiva, aspectul comun
I have been seen. = Eu sunt vazut. etc.
E. Conjugarea verbelor reflexive - aspect continuu
I have been enjoying myself = eu ma distrez, etc. Where have you been? = Unde ai fost tu (pana acum)?
I have just come. = Eu tocmai am venit. I haven't had dinner yet. = Inca n-am servit cina.
I have seen them today. = Azi i-am vazut. = Eu i-am vazut azi. He has been busy lately. = El a fost ocupat in ultimul timp.
We have learned English for one year. = Noi invatam englezeste de un an.
He has known her for a long time. = El o cunoaste de mult timp.
He has been avaricious all his life. = El a fost zgarcit toata viata lui.
Have you bought a car yet? = Ai cumparat deja o masina?
Acest timp, The Present Perfect se foloseste mult in conversatii, scrisori, ziare si la radio deoarece faptele relatate au o legatura importanta cu prezentul. El apare in propozitiile in care se intalnesc adverbe de timp ca: just = tocmai/doar/ abia, yet = deja/inca, recently = de curand/recent, today = azi/astazi, lately = in ultimul timp, this week/month = saptamana/ luna aceasta, this year = anul acesta, since/from that hour = de la ora aceea, since /from that day = din ziua aceea, since/from that moment = din momentul acela, for a long time = de mult timp, de multa vreme, for long = de mult, for a few moments = de cateva clipe, for a few minutes = de cateva minute, since/from Sunday = de duminica, since/from 1989 = din 1989 etc.
They have been friends since recently. = Ei sunt prieteni de curand.
I have lived in this town till now/today. = Am locuit in acest oras pana acum/azi.
F. The Present Perfect - aspectul continuu
Exprima o actiune trecuta neterminata care se poate termina sau nu in prezent
I have been waiting for you for five minutes. = Te astept de cinci minute.
I have been waited for for five minutes. = Sunt asteptat de cinci minute.
Since when have you been waiting for me? = De cand ma astepti?
How long have you been waiting for me? = De cat timp ma astepti?
I have been waiting for you since ten o'clock. = Te astept de la ora zece.
I have never seen a live dinosaur, have you? = N-am vazut niciodata un dinozaur viu, dar tu?
We have been living in this city for twenty years. = Locuim/traim in acest oras de douazeci de ani.
We have been living here ever since then. =Locuim/traim aici chiar de atunci.
We have been playing tennis for ten minutes. = Jucam tenis de zece minute.
How long have we been playing tennis? = De cat timp jucam noi tenis ?
I have been living in Craiova since 1970. = Eu locuiesc/traiesc in Craiova din 1970.
We have been playing tennis since five o'clock. =Jucam tenis de la ora cinci.
Since when have we been playing tennis? = De cand jucam noi tenis ?
The book has been being read for two hours. = Cartea este citita de doua ore.
The match has been being watched for thirty minutes. = Meciul este privit de treizeci de minute.
The matter has been being discussed for fifteen minutes. = Problema se discuta de cincisprezece minute.
TO PLAY = a se juca
A || I have been playing = eu (ma) joc
You have been playing = tu (te) joci
He/she/it has been playing = el/ea (se) joaca etc.
N || I have not been playing = I haven't been playing = eu nu (ma) joc etc.
I || Have I been playing? = eu (ma) joc? etc.
I - N || Have I not been playing ? = haven't I been playing ? = eu nu (ma) joc ? etc.
How long have you been reading the letter ? = De cat timp citesti scrisoarea ?
I know what he has been doing today. = Eu stiu ce a facut el azi/astazi.
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